The Lashers Tour Golf Rules

The Lashers Tour play golf along the lines of the R&A rules, but as we are friendly society, we have a few exceptions that help us to keep pace with play and more importantly allow us to enjoy the game.

Below are the exceptions to the rules that we have devised over the years
  • ➢ Phil Small Rule - Where a player has played their ball into a water hazard, relief can be taken on the other side of the hazard nearer the green without penalty for loss of ball (i.e. just 1 shot penalty). There is an exception to this and that is whereby if you are playing a par 4 or 5 and you gain considerable advantage by dropping too close to the hole. You will need to drop to the nearest point of relief and play with just one penalty shot. This is to allow for those that aren't as shit as you are, to not be penalised by you losing a ball
  • ➢ OOB Rule - If a player should hit their ball into Out Of Bounds then it will only become a penalty if it has travelled by more than a club length into the hazard. You can take a free drop (No more than 2 club lengths) outside the OOB area to speed up play.
  • ➢ Gimme Rule - Gimme's are permitted and should be within a Putter length (or at the descretion of your playing partner)
  • ➢ Mulligan Rule - A Mulligan is allowed only once for a round, but on any hole that you decide to play it on, but only for your drive. If you elect to take a Mulligan then that shot is in play even if if is worse than your previous shot.
  • ➢ Terry Eldred Rule - If you hit a stonking drive that slides off the fairway and into a drainage ditch that then brings the ball back to where you took the shot you can take a free drop where it entered the drainage ditch without penalty
  • ➢ Bill and Bob Rule - Moaning about perfectly good shots is not allowed as it pisses those of us that are shite right off. So if you hit the ball 2 foot to the right (or left) of the intended target don't moan about knobbing it!
  • ➢ PGA Rule - If you find that after playing your shot, that your ball has miraculously disappeared from where you (and your playing partners) considered it to have landed. You can take what we call a PGA free drop where you all thought it would be, as on the PGA tour they have spotters/spectators to find their ball.
  • ➢ Cliff Sawdy Rule - Air shots are now permissiable so, if you do not make contact with the ball on the Longest Drive hole on your 1st shot (air shot) and then your 2nd shot goes past that of the current longest drive for the hole you are leading (until Craig goes).
  • ➢ Proximity Markers Rule - We have our very own Proximity Markers for the tour which are Red and Blue Tubes with "markers form" and pen inside and as such the first pairings out will be responsible for placing them on the correct holes. The last pairings are responsible for retrieving them and bringing them back to Westy (or Griff/Chris/Craig or Broomster). Failure to do so will mean you either have to go back and retrieve them or pay a £60 fine (that's what they cost)